Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is Print Journalism Dead?

Is print Journalism dying or dead? If it is, Charlie Sheen is sane. It's more bologna than a bologna sandwich. Seriously though, many people claim that print is dying because of online papers, iPhones, iPads, and other electronics. 

Print is not dead, or going to die anytime soon. Just look at the economics of it all. A Kentucky Kernel costs nothing; a Herald Leader around a dollar. An iPad costs $500, bare minimum. So, in order to get your money's worth in the news you would have to: read the entirety of the Herald Leader 500 times online. In many cases, you even have to pay for subscriptions to magazines and newspapers. To get bang for your buck, just grab a paper. 

Another reason why print won't die is people loving reading ink. Some are so attached to the tactile, real feeling of books and ink, they can't read from an electronic device. There something romantic about holding a book by the fire, there's nothing romantic about curling up with your Sony E-Reader or iPad. 

You might like your iPad or your iPhone, but to pay that much for it (just to get the news) is something Charlie Sheen would approve of. Print is not dead, and won't die. 

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